How To Do A MOPAR Hard Reset/Reboot

Posted by John Eimer on

We get a lot of questions here at Your Part Source about issues which happen after installing a replacement item in your vehicle. The most common being after the installation of a TIPM. Sometimes the issues can be taken care of by completing what is called a hard reset or hard reboot on your vehicle. This doesn't work all of the time, and sometimes you may have to complete this process four or five times. But doing this may help you avoid having your mechanic program the unit to your vehicle. 

A hard reset is easy to complete. You do have to be careful so not to short out anything, so we thought sharing the best video we can find out there on how to do a hard reset/reboot. 

Thanks to Mack at TIPM Rebuilders for putting out this great video on how to do a hard reset. We hope this will help you out. Let us know if you have any questions. As always - YOU GOT THIS!

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